Monday, June 22, 2015

My President Just Used the "N" Word.

This is a record of the words I am learning in Portuguese, and more specifically, how they are used, especially in the Azores.

Perhaps because I am leaving on a jet plane tonight, I have been especially aware of the meaning of words most commonly used in public in my American life.

Confederate Flag.
Church Shooting.
Gun control.

And now, the ONE word that cannot be said in America today (unless you have some legitimate African-American heritage, and/or you are the President), was said on a PODCAST.  By the President.

In context, it was about the conversation on "Race", which America may or may not be having at any given moment.  African Americans have been treated like criminals (for years, decades, centuries), it's been on video repeatedly.  Last week, someone killed 9 African Americans, after listening them do a Bible Study.  For an hour!

There has been a ridiculous controversy about why a Confederate flag is still flying in that state.  It is the same reason that streets are named after racist generals.  It's a symbol that stands for SO much more than just a few words of explanation. Words are symbols, they contain deep significance.

He can only shake his head so many times.   It's not just gun control.  It's not just the white "supremacysts".  It's not just that the Republicans are still biased against him (or that they are ALL racists, or conservatives or whatever).  There is the moment, early on in his presidency, during a State of the Union, where a Southern Conservative yelled "You lie!'.  And everyone who is familiar with the Southern dialect also heard what wasn't said.  "You lie, boy!" Another word used to demean African American MEN, used by Southerners for generations.  (And yes, nobody is allowed to heckle the President.  Ever.)

"It goes beyond it not being polite to say n-----."

He's tired but hasn't given up.  And now he has taken the conversation to another level.

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