Monday, October 14, 2013

Happy Bartholome Day!!

Read this about Columbus' true adventures.

Sure he was a sailor & got famous for bumping into America. (And there's a stone doorway of a chapel on Santa Maria where his sailors prayed to God on the voyage back, because they nearly died)

And then GREED took over.  And he decided to conquer the New World.  He directly and indirectly caused hundreds and 5 Million deaths (respectively).

Really, the comic at The Oatmeal really gets it right. Plus, it's an informative comic about history.  About REAL history, and why we should pay attention.

So Bartholome de Las Casas was Spanish (not Portuguese), but we should make any guy a SAINT who witnesses "atrocities against the Natives, gave up his land, freed his slaves, became a priest and spent the rest of his life fighting the brutal colonization of the New World".

Prince Henry the Navigator had a navigation school (founded 1418) on the SouthWestern most tip of Portugal.  Known as Sagres (aka the Beer).  He taught everyone, or at least created the textbooks & lesson plans.  The jury's not out yet as to his virtue.  But being on the side of teachers and exploration, I have faith in his contributions to the world.

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