Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Joe's Place on Pico

One of the amazing mysteries is the ongoing legacy of my ancestors on the islands.

There is a story of Pai Martins (which I can only begin to explore here) and how he fell in love with my great-grandmother and how they begat 2 children.  And how he walked the streets of Pico, proudly, with his children, one in each hand.
And how once the bishop learned of this, he banished my great-grandmother to Faial. And how she was afraid, even 50 years later, to go to the island with the proper hospital for her because she still feared the edict of the bishop.  How she suffered and died of a preventable illness, because of a rule in a religion.

Some words which are only as strong as the fear they can create.

The house that Padre Martins lived in was this one.  I visited a few years ago; it had been turned into a Bed & Breakfast.


I hope to visit again this year.  More stories are hidden in the walls, I am certain!.