Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Accent from Sao Miguel in written form

My cousin posted this on Facebook, he was raised on Santa Maria and then moved to mainland.  He goes back & forth nowaday.

Com carinho constato que o sotaque micaelense (não dizer açoriano, há um sotaque em cada ilha!) está patente neste recibo!
"Houtel Lençe" (Hotel Lince)
"Pogo" (Pago)
"Dez Euiros" (Dez euros)
Ser açoriano:
Há lá nada melhó?
wink emoticon
wink emoticon
With affection I note that the accent Micaelense (not to say an azorean, there's an accent in each island!) Is reflected in this receipt!
"houtel lençe" (Hotel Lynx)
"Pogo" (paid)
"ten euiros" (ten euros)
Be an azorean:
There's nothing there melhó?
wink emoticon